Adopt a Room!
$1,750 ADOPTED!
$2,750 ADOPTED!
$3,000 ADOPTED!
$3,750 ADOPTED!
$5,000 ADOPTED!
We’re nearly there, but we need your help to bring this vision to life!
Once home to a number of different restaurants, this location has now been completely reimagined to feature three sonogram rooms, five counseling rooms, administrative offices, and a mini Baby Boutique—all designed to better serve families in our community who are at risk of abortion.
Here’s how you can make a difference: gather a group to “adopt” a room or explore our wish list of essential furnishings to help us meet our adopt-a-room goals. There are 14 rooms available for adoption, and we truly appreciate your support! Let’s work together to make these spaces shine!

Meet the Rooms
The “L” will have 5 counseling rooms where women and men will be presented with life-affirming alternatives to abortion, resources to meet their every need, and the opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus Christ!
Three medical rooms will provide our patients with her very first look into the growing life inside her womb. Some studies suggest that over 70% of abortion-minded women who receive a sonogram choose life!
Our administrative team is moving into the “L” as well. Moving the admin offices will create a much-need space dedicated to group classes within the HI Parenting Program.
Here’s what others are saying…

We love the Pregnancy Center of the Coastal Bend because they are like the Good Samaritan neighbor who stopped to offer help when no one else would. I love that they mobilize the local church to stand for life, support life, and change lives. A woman’s life, and the little life growing in her, is forever changed by this amazing ministry.
– Chris Irving, Senior Pastor | Coastal Oaks Church, Rockport

The Pregnancy Center of the Coastal Bend has been along-time valuable resource in our community. They have many educational resources to help women with parenting and life skills by surrounding them with the support and training needed to care for themselves and their family. They are an amazing gift to our community, and we are so thankful to partner with them.
– Stacy Manning | Program Director, Texas Adoption Center

As a single mother who started off unsure of whether I wanted to continue my pregnancy, the Pregnancy Center was there to reassure me that everything was going to be okay and that I could provide things for my baby by attending the HiPP parenting classes. Thank you, Pregnancy Center of the Coastal Bend!
– Adrianna Puebla | WIC Breastfeeding PC

Through the Pregnancy Center of the Coastal Bend, under the leadership of Jana Pinson and her excellent team, there has been a beautiful Christian outreach for those with unplanned pregnancies for many years. What a difference it has made in so many thousands of lives, as lives were saved physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
– Ken de Koning, Senior Pastor | Waldron Road Baptist Church